COTS Isotopes
Focus on substances found in commercial products. Things easily obtained at local stores and/or online.
Can be found in ionization smoke detectors. Modern units typically contain 1 uCi max. However, some older models contain much more such as the Pyrotronics F3/5A (80 uCi)
"each detector contains only a tiny amount of americium-241, which is sealed in a gold matrix “to make sure that corrosion does not break it down and release it.”" (source)
- "a typical modern detector contains about 1.0 microcurie of the radioactive element americium, which is equivalent to 37 kilobecquerel (37,000 decays per second), or 0.33 micrograms of americium oxide (AmO2)"
- "The average quantity of americium per detector has decreased from 3 microcurie in 1978."
Element 95 and method of producing said element
- Pu/Am chemistry
- Patent: 637,484: separating Pu/U
- Am specific chemistry starts about column 7
Commercial AmBe sources for oil exploration (neutrons measure water content)
H-2 (Deuterium)
Deuterium lamps contain a very small amount
H-3 (Tritium)
Powerless exit signs can contain several Ci (yes, whole number) to make them glow for a few years
- Exit Light Co: Power Free Tritium Exit Signs
- betalux
- BX-10-WH $150 each
- "Fifteen thousand missing tritium exit signs at 20 trillion picocuries each means that 300 quadrillion picocuries of tritium"
- Pico: e-12
- Trillion: e12
- 20 Ci each
- 20 * 15,000 = 30 kCi
- To put in perspective:
- Household smoke detector: 1 uCi
2015: 25mm x 3.5mm Tritium filled glasses on eBay for about $16 shipped
- Wonder how much are in these?
- NSN 6260-99-965-3582
Above: source
5 mCi source can be rented for ESD stuff
Smoke detector
Smoke detectors can have a small amount. IIRC mine had 0.05 uCi (0.5?)
"The estimated dose from a watch containing 4.5 uCi of radium, a very large amount, would be 310 mrem per year to the gonads."
[Radioluminescent Paint] indicates watches can have up to 5 uCi with averages much lower (0.36 uCi peak in the 60's)
- "By weight...1 or 2 % thorium oxide (thoria)...up to 4 %, have been used
- yellow: 1 %
- red: 2 %
- Place in H2O2
- Takes two weeks to dissolve W, leaving TO2 at bottom
- Filter
Most commonly in some russian smoke detectors. Less common includes the RTGs and specialty radiation detectors
Arco NU-5F
Above: Pu-238 pacemaker (source)
Plate reads:
ARCO MEDICAL PRODUCTS CO. Pacemaker NU-5F Serial No. 001 Caution: Radioactive Material PLUTONIUM 238 < 8 Curies Notify Civil Authorities if found.