AT303 ATECO Dental Intraoral Imaging System Digital X-Ray Sensor lov
2019: on eBay new for around $1800 USD + make offer. They look very similar to Dexis Platinum (GXS700)
Listed specs:
- Model: AT303
- Size: 25.53*38.02*5.3mm
- Pixel size: 38μm*38μm
- Pixel Pitch: 38μm in both directions
- Resolution(IP/mm): Theoretical value: 13.2IP/mm
- Active area: 20*30mm
- Area Array Size: 19.95mm*30.02mm
- Number of Line: 790
- Number of Columns: 524
- Cut Corners (Front side): 60 pixels
- Cut Corner(Back side): N/A
- Operating System: MS Windows XP SP3, 7 and 8(32/64bits)
- Minimum Hardware: 256Mb RAM, 32Mb video memory
- Sensor Technology: Super CMCOS 4096 grey levels
- Cable: 3m length(polyurethane)
- Cable Diameter: 3.5mm
- Waterproof: IP67
- X-Ray Unit: AC and DC compliant
- Direct USB: USB 2.0/3.0 high speed, Immediate image capture Low power
- Standards: IEC60601-1:2005(ed.3.0)93/42CE