Gendex Oralix AC
Gendex Oralix AC
Seems to be simply driven by switching AC 250V. French PDF with brief presentation
- Minimum time is basically 1.5 Period @ 50Hz
- Only 2 contact and Earth are available.
- (Everything handled internally by multiples coils on transformer ?)
- 65kV @ 7.5mA (sticker says 8.25mA)
- time: 30ms to 2.5s
- 230V 50/60Hz
Project in progress:
- Certainly will use IXYS CPC1998
I need a collimator, maybe will be done in steel + lead.
Measured Resistance
Resistor parallel to MOV is 4.7kR, when removed it becomes high impedance. Measure were made with disconnected Red and Black wires.
No contacts have link with the metal casing (ground).
PCB Schematic:
Seems to be confirmed by the schematic of Oralix 65