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Mcmaster russia tubes.jpg

Above: from top to bottom: SNM-11, SNM-32, SNM-17, SBM-20, SNM-13

An eBay seller indicates these may have been made by "VNIIRT / Soviet Institute for Scientific Radiation Technology Research"

Started making a list I found some pages


  • Detailed info on lots of tubes
  • GM: [2]
  • Sensitive GM: [3]
  • Neutron tag?


  • SNM tube summary
  • Has lots of mistakes though…current is actually

Info pullsed from those pages:

Image Name For Fill Oper V Conduct V Background
uA (max)
@ Vmax
| | | | | | |
Mcmaster russia sbm-20 tube.jpg
Gamma, beta 400
Ebay ranutek 311490458155 snm-9.jpg
[eBay Sanutek 311490458155]


Neutron, slow
Mcmaster russia snm-11 tube.jpg

Neutron BF3 1500 - 3000 600 - 700 5.27 570 M


Neutron 500 - 700 400+ 11.0 64 M
Mcmaster russia snm-13 tube.jpg

Neutron, slow 450 - 600 450+ 5.5 110 M


Neutron 450 - 600 600 - 700 5.27 110 M


Neutron 2000 - 2800 2000+ 25.0 110 M
Mcmaster russia snm-17 tube.jpg

Neutron BF3 2000 - 2800 2000+ 25.0 110 M


Neutron, slow 1275 - 1500 ? ? ?


Neutron 1700 - 3000 1450 - 1650 25.0 68 M


Neutron 2000 - 2800 600 - 1750 15.0 190 M
Mcmaster russia snm-32 tube.jpg

Neutron, slow He-3 1500 - 3000 600 - 700 25.0 120 M
Spirit532 russia snm-32 snm 42 new.jpg

Neutron 1500 - 3000 600 - 700 25.0 120 M

Resistor calculation:

  • Don't exceed max corona current
  • Use reccomended voltages
  • Assume tube drop negligible (although its not really)
  • R = V / I type calculation
  • Variable voltage supply: choose R at high voltage so that voltage can be safely varied over entire range

CHM vs SNM: English interpretation of Cyrillic characters gives them "CHM" prefixes. I've been led to believe SNM is more proper although I can't really back that up


Forum post

The SNM tubes can be a bit tricky to get working as the SNR isn't very high compared to GM tubes (like the SBM-20). Bee research says SNR is about 3.

They sell a small preamp board with Schmidt triggers to help filter out noise and instructions on how to use it. If you are looking for a relatively quick start without shelling big bucks for new tubes this is probably a good route to go.

2015-12-12: JM got board for evaluation. Will post more once I try it out



sbm-20 mount


Mcmaster russia snm-11 tube.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 label.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 side neg.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 side pos.jpg


Mcmaster russia snm-11 box en.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 box ru.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 box cccp.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-11 box ussr.jpg


Mcmaster russia snm-13 tube.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-13 conn.jpg

From eBay listing:

 Russian Slow-Neutron Corona Counter SNM-13
 Operating  Voltage - 500 V
 Slop of plateau, % per 100 V - ≤5
 Neutron sencitivity, pulses per neutron/ cm2  - 0.5
 Plateau Length - 150 V
 Natural counter background, cpm - ≤ 2
 Temperature range , 0C  -  -50... +100
 Life time - more 1500 working hours
 Diameter - 8.5 mm
 Length  - 85 mm


Mcmaster russia snm-13 box model.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-13 box ctr.jpg


Mcmaster russia snm-17 tube.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-17 end neg.jpg Mcmaster russia snm-17 end pos.jpg

Custom case

Mcmaster russia snm-17 case.jpg

Someone on eBay is selling these. The negative electrode was completely lose...not sure if I'd trust it. Maybe it was secured in some way I missed when I took it apart? Other than that it seems pretty solid case. Some hot melt used to hold things together but its cleanly done.


Mcmaster russia snm-32 tube.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-32 end neg.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-32 end pos.jpg

  • Has very good information
  • Basically suggests 100M resistor with 1500V supply

eBay listing

 Russian Slow Neutron Corona Counter SNM-32
 Operating  Voltage - 1500V - 3000V
 Strating Voltage - 600V - 700V
 Slop of plateau, % per 100 V - ≤ 1
 Neutron sencitivity, pulses per neutron/ cm2 - 0.8
 Plateau Length - 1500 V
 Natural counter background, pulses/sec - ≤ 1
 Body Diameter - 18 mm
 Body Length  - 313 mm

Same thing as CHM32? Maybe the datasheet

  • "Sometimes references are made to this detector as the CHM-32 detector, which is identical to SNM-32, but written in Cyrillic script"

From that page:

1. наклон плато счетной характеристики % на I в

Plateau (voltage) slope count(ing) characteristics percent in I (current?) B (voltage?) (in maximum column) 0.01

2. чувствительность счетчика к нейтронам по отношению к контрольному образцы, относит .ед.

sensitivity of the counter to neutrons with respect to the control sample refers (reference) . units. (minimum column) 0.8

3. Напряжение зажигания коронного разряда, в

Corona discharge voltage (V) (min-max) 600-700

4. средний ток коронного разряда, мкА

Average Corona Discharge Current, MicroAmps (max column) looks like 28 (23?)

5. собственный фон, имп.с ^ -I

Own background (some unit of measure, which transliterates to imp.s to the negative I; S could be impulse seconds in this case and maybe I is still current?) anyway ... (max column) 0.017

6. радиационная помехоустойчивость, Р/ч

Radiation Noise Immunity (Rads/hour) (max column) 1500 uh...WOW!

7. выходная емкость, пф

Output Capacitance (pF = picofarad?) (max column) 6

Wonder what the output impedance is?

8. сопротивление изоляции, Ом

Insulation Resistance, Ohhs. (min column) 10 to the 10th

Some of the earlier blurbs:

  • tчетчикиа = partially snm32 snm42
  • etiketka = label
  • tчетчикиа = partially snm32 snm42, prednaznachen = intented, dlia = for, registratsii = record, miedlenih = slow, nietronov = neutron, v = in, diapasonie = diapason, energii = energy klimaticheskoi ispolnenie = climatic execution, uksl = ?, tablitcha 1 = table 1
  • razmer = size
  • massa = weight
  • ne bolee = no more
  • osnovni = main, elektricheskie = electrical, I = and, radiometritcheskie = radiometrical, parametric = parameter
  • tablitcha 2 = table 2
  • nameniovanie = name, parametra = parameter
  • edinitcha = one (number), izmernia = measure, forma = form/shape, ne menee = no less, ne bolee = no more
  • protiajennost = distance, plato tchetnoy = plateau ?, karakteristiki = characteristics
  • naimenovanie = name, parametra = parameter
  • edinitsa = unit, izmerenia = measure

Sounds like its intended to have a moderator around it to slow down fast neutrons.

Overcurrent damage

Mcmaster russia snm-32 label overcurrent.jpg

From misunderstanding datasheet and not using a resistor. If you see something like this on a tube don't buy it


Mcmaster russia snm-32 box en.jpg

Mcmaster russia snm-32 box ru.jpg


Some notes on trouble having getting it to work

mk1: voltage divider

Mcmaster russia snm-32 snm-32 2015-10-31 div.png

mk2: coupling cap helium detector test setup.jpg

Try to follow directions here:

Mcmaster russia snm-32 snm-32 2015-11-01 cap.png

Above: my actual schematic